To whom is it addressed?
To every citizen that may face and handle emergency medical situations.
After the training you can handle first aid procedures respecting the chain of survival (sequence-protocol)


ACTIVATE an immediate call to the emergency service by dialling 112 (118)

PERFORMING hands-only CPR to assess and support airway, breathing and circulation both for adults and children

OPEN AND CLEAR the airway both in adults, children and infants
What is the correct chain of survival?
First link: early recognition
Immediately call the Emergency medical care and service (by dialling 112, the new emergency number)
Second link: early CPR
Early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) with an emphasis on chest compressions, ventilations, mounth-to-mounth resuscitation. This can make further treatments more efficient.
Third link: early defibrillation
This can improve the chances of survival for victims of cardiac arrest.
Fourth link: Emergency operations
Advanced resuscitation by Emergency Medical Services and other healthcare providers.
Fifth link: Post-cardiac arrest care
A specialised post-cardiac arrest care, coordinated by the in-hospital Medical Services including additional treatment, observation, rehabilitation.